Thursday 27 February 2014

All Progressives Congress (APC): Yobe school killings: Jonathan's broadcast on cent...

All Progressives Congress (APC): Yobe school killings: Jonathan's broadcast on cent...: The All Progressives Congress (APC) has sharply criticised President Goodluck Jonathan for devoting his broadcast to the nation on Wed...

Yobe school killings: Jonathan's broadcast on centenary misplaced - APC

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has sharply criticised President Goodluck Jonathan for devoting his broadcast to the nation on Wednesday night to the centenary celebrations instead of the national tragedy involving the cold-blood murder murder of over 40 school children in Yobe state.

In a statement issued in Lagos on Thursday by its Interim National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the party said the President's action sends a wrong signal to the world about the value
which the Nigerian government places on the lives of the nation's children.

It wondered what was so important about the centenary celebrations that it would be elevated over and above what in any nation would be considered a monumental tragedy, describing the President's broadcast as insensitive, misplaced, and an embarrassment to the nation.

''Even as the nation is still counting the death toll from Monday night's senseless and gruesome murder of our children, and the ceaseless killings of innocent civilians before that, the President
has already switched into a celebratory mood, dwelling on the money-wasting centenary-celebrations instead of leading a clearly distraught nation in mourning. 

''Nothing better illustrates the fact that the President showed more concern about the centenary celebrations than the calamity  that befell the nation than the mention, in only about three paragraphs, of the tragedy in a speech that spanned over 40 paragraphs.

''This is very sad indeed, considering that President Jonathan is the head of a government that has failed woefully in ensuring the welfare and security of Nigerians, especially those of our children, which is the very reason for the existence of any government,'' APC said.

The party said now that the President has goofed again, he should quickly make amends by visiting the scene of the tragedy to empathize with the families of the victims as well as the government and people of the state, which is what any leader worth his salt will do under the circumstance.

It said in case President Jonathan is still in doubt on whether or not to take a trip to Yobe, and indeed Borno where hundreds of innocent citizens have been dispatched to their early graves by rampaging
insurgents in the past few weeks, he should take a cue from what other Presidents do in times like this.

''In the US, for example, President Barack Obama was his country's 'consoler in chief' as he visited scenes of the tragedies that have occurred in his country since he assumed office, whether it is the
school massacre in Connecticut, the mass shooting in Fort Hood,Texas or the tornado in Joplin, Missouri.

''While the nation waits for the President to hit the road to Yobe and Borno, we call on the federal government to massively scale down the centenary celebrations, if it does not want to cancel them. It is incongruous, unconscionable, unacceptable and an assault on our collective humanity to be celebrating, throwing fire works and popping champagne cocks when the ashes of our children, who were slaughtered and burnt to death for no fault of theirs, are still so fresh.

''We should not do what will amount to dancing on the graves of the children whom we have collectively failed. Yes, we cannot bring those children back to life, but we can at least soothe the pains of their families through genuine empathy and soberness,'' APC said.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

All Progressives Congress (APC): APC calls Yobe school attack horrific, urges Presi...

All Progressives Congress (APC): APC calls Yobe school attack horrific, urges Presi...: The All Progressives Congress (APC) has unreservedly condemned Monday night's horrific attack on the Federal Government Colleg...

APC calls Yobe school attack horrific, urges President to visit state.

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has unreservedly condemned Monday night's horrific attack on the Federal Government College in Yobe state, in which over 40 students were reported to have been brutally murdered by blood-thirsty insurgents.

In a statement issued in Lagos on Wednesday by its Interim National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the party said the attacks, which were extremely gory even by the scorched-earth tactics of the terrorists, plumbs the depth of horror.

''What a sad day for Nigeria and indeed for all of humanity, when innocent school children were used as soft targets by a group of cowardly terrorists, who have shed their toga of humanity on the altar of a meaningless ideology.

''We condole with the families of the victims as well as the government and people of Yobe State over this abominable crime. We urge the state and federal government to work together to ensure that schools in the state are adequately protected,'' it said.

APC called on President Goodluck Jonathan to immediately visit the state to offer succour to the families of the victims and the state government, saying that is the least the Federal Government can do to help soothe the pains of those involved.

The party said the President should also use the opportunity to pay a visit to Borno, which has been reeling under ceaseless and deadly attacks from the terrorists, as well as to the brave and patriotic soldiers who are been putting their all into the battle against these insurgents.

''A visit from Mr. President will be a morale booster to our troops in battle, and will also show the beleaguered people of the affected states that they have not been abandoned to their cruel fate by the federal government as well as their compatriots,'' it said.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

All Progressives Congress (APC): Jonathan's comments on Borno: You got it wrong, Mr...

All Progressives Congress (APC): Jonathan's comments on Borno: You got it wrong, Mr...: The All Progressives Congress (APC) has condemned President Goodluck Jonathan's vituperation against Borno State Governor Kashim Sh...

All Progressives Congress (APC): Jonathan's comments on Borno: You got it wrong, Mr...

All Progressives Congress (APC): Jonathan's comments on Borno: You got it wrong, Mr...: The All Progressives Congress (APC) has condemned President Goodluck Jonathan's vituperation against Borno State Governor Kashim Sh...

Jonathan's comments on Borno: You got it wrong, Mr. President

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has condemned President Goodluck Jonathan's vituperation against Borno State Governor Kashim Shettima during his media chat on Monday night, calling it unwarranted, unpresidential and petty.

In a statement issued in Abuja on Tuesday by its Interim National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the party said President Jonathan was wrong to have threatened, no matter how subtly, to withdraw from Borno the troops who are battling against Boko Haram insurgents, and urged him to apologize to the people of Borno and to all Nigerians for the presidential indiscretion.

It said the threat, which was in response to the statement credited to the Governor, that the soldiers need to be better equipped and more motivated, showed clearly that President Jonathan does not have a full grasp of what is expected of him as President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

''Mr. President, your most important duty as President is to ensure the welfare and security of all Nigerians, irrespective of the criticisms you may face or whether or not they voted for you. Therefore, you are not doing anyone a favour by performing that duty. It is the role you swore an oath to perform.

''Also, even if you feel that the Governor should not have made the statement he made, it is incumbent upon you, as the President and the father of the nation, to take the higher road, instead of choosing a public forum to air your grievances. Wittingly or unwittingly, Mr. President, you have played into the hands of the insurgents who must by now be gloating at the discordant tunes in government over the battle against them,'' APC said.

Using the President's exact words to the Governor during his media chat, the party said: ''A (President) should be mindful of what they say. Yes there are issues, but no matter how frustrated you are you don’t make this kind of statement.''

It said based on the anger exhibited by President Jonathan while commenting on Gov. Shettima's statement, the party was justified in its call on the President not to go ahead with his reported plan to remove the Governor and replace him with a military administrator.
''President Jonathan should know that a leader cannot afford to be taking decisions on the basis of a perceived slight or criticism, because such decisions are most likely to be wrong and counter-productive. He should also use his enormous powers as President for the benefit of the people, not to their disadvantage.

''By his threat to pull out the troops from Borno for one month, he has further victimized the good people of the state, who have been at the receiving end of the senseless attacks by Boko Haram. A retraction of his threat and an apology to the people will be a good starting point for Mr. President to make amends,'' APC said

Monday 24 February 2014

All Progressives Congress (APC): APC warns against plan to remove Borno Gov, says J...

All Progressives Congress (APC): APC warns against plan to remove Borno Gov, says J...: The All Progressives Congress (APC) has warned the federal government against going ahead with its reported plan to remove the elected ...

APC warns against plan to remove Borno Gov, says Jonathan is liable for continued killings

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has warned the federal government against going ahead with its reported plan to remove the elected Governor of Borno and appoint a military administrator to oversee the affairs of the state, under the guise of intensifying the fight against Boko Haram.

In a statement issued in Ibadan on Monday by its Interim National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the party said the presidency should realize that there is always a limit to impunity, and that if indeed anyone should be removed over the protracted insurgency in the state and the entire North-east, it is President Goodluck Jonathan.

''What is happening in the North-east in general and Borno state in particular is failure of leadership at the highest level of government, especially because the imposition of a state of emergency in the three worst-hit states has given the President emergency powers to deal with the protracted crisis.

''As the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, President Jonathan is in full control of all the instruments of coercion available to the country, which he can and has been deploying at will. If, therefore, some seemingly implacable dead-enders have continued to kill, maim and destroy in any part of the country, no one but the President should be held liable. Everyone knows a Governor does not deploy troops.

''Also, it is trite to say that the raison d'etre of any government is the protection of lives and property. This means that the moment any government fails in that key responsibility, it can no longer justify its reason for existence,'' it said.

APC said Gov. Kashim Shettima and the entire people of Borno are the victims in the senseless war being waged by Boko Haram, and that what they deserve are succour and support, not further victimization by a federal government which seems to have run out of ideas on how to subdue the sect.

The party said no one should lend any credence to the denial, by the presidency, of the evil plot to remove Gov. Shettima, because this presidency's words have never been worth the paper on which they are written.

''Several times in the past, this presidency has issued a straight-faced denial only to go ahead and do exactly what it said it won't. Against such blatant lack of credibility and integrity, we do not believe the presidency's denial,'' it said.

APC said it is becoming increasingly clear that the presidency may be using the state of emergency in the North-east to fight its own political battle and get rid of those it perceives as a stumbling block to its interest in 2015.

The party said if that were not the case, the presidency will not be flying a satanic kite of planning to remove the Governor of Borno when it is clear that this Governor has done everything humanly possible to support the federal government and the brave men and women fighting the sect, in addition to providing succour to the good people of Borno who have been terribly traumatized by the activities of the misguided terrorists.

''The state of emergency has run its initial course and has even been renewed, yet the insurgency continues. That means the federal government must think out of the box to evolve new strategies to tackle the insurgency. One of such is to heighten intelligence gathering that will make it possible for our security forces to preempt attacks. Another is to win the hearts and minds of the local population so they can do more to help fish out the insurgents.

''We are sad to note, however, that the federal government seems to have its own agenda, which may include allowing the insurgency to fester so that elections will not be able to hold in the area in 2015. If anyone thinks this is outlandish, such a person under-estimates the desperation of this presidency going into the 2015 elections,'' it said.

Thursday 20 February 2014

All Progressives Congress (APC): APC calls CBN Gov's suspension illegal, warns Pres...

All Progressives Congress (APC): APC calls CBN Gov's suspension illegal, warns Pres...: The All Progressives Congress (APC) has said Thursday's suspension of Malam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi as Governor of the Central Bank of...

APC calls CBN Gov's suspension illegal, warns Pres. against destroying Nigerian institutions

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has said Thursday's suspension of Malam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi as Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) by President Goodluck Jonathan is patently illegal, poorly thought-out and in bad taste, noting that it will definitely have negative consequences for the nation's economy.

In a statement issued in Lagos on Thursday by its Interim National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the party also said the action is the clearest indication yet that President Jonathan, whose
body language does not abhor corruption, is willing to silence any whistle-blower, no matter his or her status.

''As the country wallows in unprecedented corruption under the rudderless and corruption-hugging Jonathan Administration, the President may have finally decided to send a strong signal to all
Nigerians that it will not tolerate any exposure of corruption under any circumstance. What better way to do this than to silence the man who has exposed the alleged missing 20 billion dollars in the NNPC accounts?'' it queried.

APC said that Sanusi's suspension has also shown clearly that President Jonathan as a leader does not care if he destroys national institutions on the altar of personal ego and political expediency.

''First it was the judiciary which came under his sledge hammer, when he suspended then President of the Court of Appeal, Justice Ayo Salami, just to satisfy the hawks in his party. Then it is the turn of
the National Assembly, the Police and now the financial sector. President Jonathan should not destroy our institutions before he bows out of office next year. These institutions are older than him and will definitely outlive him,'' APC warned.

The party said while Section 11 (f) of the CBN Act 2007 empowers the President to remove the CBN Governor, the section is clear that he can only do so if he has the support of two-thirds majority of the Senate.

''Nowhere in the Act is it said that the President can suspend the CBN Governor, as he has done in another of his serial rape of the country's laws,'' it said, adding that the reasons given by the
presidency for Sanusi's suspension are as puerile as they are unprecedented, and amount to calling the dog a bad name just to hang it.

The party said the questions that arise, based on those ridiculous reasons, are: ''Why has it taken almost five years of Sanusi's tenure for the President to realize the irregularities of CBN under Sanusi? Why is the President acting on questionable allegations against Sanusi at a time the CBN Governor has opened the can of worms in the NNPC? Why has a President, who has always treated glaring corruption allegations against his political appointees with so much levity, now so quick to move against a CBN Governor who has never been accused, let alone indicted of corruption?

APC expressed serious concerns at the implication of Sanusi's suspension for the nation's economy, especially on the value of the Naira; local and international investments; the stock market;
inflation and the overall health of the economy.

''Coming at a time when the economy was already under pressure due to internal and external factors and is in need of significant investments in several sectors, such as power and manufacturing to
maintain its economic growth rates, the uncertainty caused by the suspension will leave both local and international investors questioning the economic direction of the country and therefore their
investment approach to Nigeria.

''At best, new investments will be delayed until investors consider that economic and political stability has been restored, and at worst, which is more likely, both new and existing investors will pull back.

''The Nigerian Stock Exchange that was already witnessing a withdrawal of portfolio investors, due to the US tapering exercise, is likely to be exacerbated as more investors, local and international, exit the market, further putting downward pressure on the country's exchange rate at a time the CBN is already having difficulty defending the currency. In fact, the devaluation of the national currency looms.

''All these factors will also drive higher inflation rates with its attendant economic, social and political costs. No one can say for certain exactly how costly this action will be for the nation but there are no doubts it will be high,'' the party said.

It called on Nigerians to stay strong in their determination to fight the canker worm of corruption, even as the government of the day makes clear it will not hesitate to punish whistle-blowers and reward corrupt persons.

''If anyone in this country is still doubting that the Jonathan administration lacks the wherewithal to fight corruption, operate under the rule of law and take Nigeria to greater heights, that person
should now clear the doubt. This administration has clearly reached the end of its tethers and should be voted out next year to pave the way for a party that is willing and able to rescue Nigeria,'' APC

Wednesday 19 February 2014

All Progressives Congress (APC): APC condemns Boko Haram killings, urges military t...

All Progressives Congress (APC): APC condemns Boko Haram killings, urges military t...: The All Progressives Congress (APC) has strongly condemned the spate of mass killings by Boko Haram in the country's North-eas...

APC condemns Boko Haram killings, urges military to rev up preventive strategy

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has strongly condemned the spate of mass killings by Boko Haram in the country's North-east, calling the insurgents cowards for targetting unarmed civilians, especially women and children, in their dastardly attacks.

In a statement issued in Abuja on Wednesday by its Interim National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the party insisted that nothing in the world can justify the senseless slaying of innocent civilians by a band of marauding insurgents, and reminded the terrorists that they cannot win the ill-advised war they have levied against their fatherland. 

It condoled with the government and people of the affected states, especially Borno which has borne the brunt of the attacks, over the killings as well as the destruction of houses and other property.

APC said while the Nigerian military has undoubtedly recorded some successes in its battle against the terrorists, it is time for it to rev up its strategy for preventing the kind of mass killings which the insurgents have been perpetrating in recent times, especially in the remote areas.

The party urged the military to increase its intelligence gathering capability with a view to nipping in the bud the attacks on civilians and military targets, including barracks.

''However, we make bold to say that successful intelligence gathering cannot be possible if the stakeholders are not carried along; when soldiers have not taken the pains to win the hearts and minds of the local communities and where decision making on key and pressing problems centres around Abuja.

''The delay in acceding to requests from troops on the field concerning logistical challenges, due to unnecessary bottlenecks at the level of the political authorities, is exploited by Boko Haram to carry out daring and deadly attacks not just on civilians but on the military itself. 

''Therefore, it is absolutely important to provide the brave and patriotic personnel we have sent to the battle against the insurgents with everything they need to prosecute a successful battle. We must also ensure that we are not just fighting to win the battle, but to also win the peace,'' it said.

Meanwhile, APC has asked the presidency to stop being unnecessarily defensive and concentrate on providing the military with all that it requires to defeat the insurgents.

The party described as counter-productive, unwarranted and ill-advised the not-so-subtle attacks launched against Borno State Governor Kashim Shettima by the presidency, for simply stating the obvious, that our soldiers need to be adequately equipped and properly motivated, if they are to be able to subdue Boko Haram.

''We know that several of the presidency's attack dogs are terribly under-employed and that they need to face the klieg lights time and again to justify the huge taxpayers fund being expended on them, but the truth is that they ridicule no one but themselves and the presidency when they have to bark at the victims of the deadly Boko Haram attacks from the comfort of their padded offices in Abuja.

''Gov. Shettima is in the eye of the storm, so to say, and has wisely gone to Abuja to brief the presidency on the situation in his state after the last round of attacks. For the same presidency to unleash perhaps its most vicious and unrelenting attack dog against the same Governor amounts to bad judgement, which also undermines the fight against the insurgents.

''The presidency's attack on Gov. Shettima is also unfair and grossly insensitive to the plight of the people and government of Borno, who deserve nothing but our support and succour at this difficult time,'' it said.

APC commended Gov. Shettima for his unflinching support to the military in its ongoing battle against Boko Haram, as well as the efforts of his administration to alleviate the sufferings of the victims of the terrorist attacks, urging him to continue along that path until total victory has been achieved.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

APC engages international political consultants to boost electoral chances

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has announced the engagement of prominent international political consultants AKPD Message and Media to boost its electoral chances in the upcoming elections.

In a statement issued in Lagos on Tuesday by its Interim National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the party said the Chicago, U.S.-based firm is best known for its lead role in President Barack Obama's presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2012.

The party explained that the firm has also worked with key Democratic party candidates throughout the U.S. and has a strong reputation for supporting leading populist movements across the globe.

"We have been working closely with AKPD Message and Media over the past few months and we shall leverage on the firm's skill, experience and expertise throughout the upcoming campaign cycle," APC said.

"As a party destined to bring change and succour to the long suffering people of Nigeria, the APC is proud and excited to work with one of the foremost exponents of change in the world, especially with their track record of success in political climates akin to ours, notably in Kenya, Tanzania and Ghana. With this strategic partnership, the process of change in Nigeria has already begun and it can't be
stopped," the party concluded.

Sunday 16 February 2014

All Progressives Congress (APC): Ban on rallies at airports: APC accuses police of ...

All Progressives Congress (APC): Ban on rallies at airports: APC accuses police of ...: The All Progressives Congress (APC) has accused the police of engaging in a selective enforcement of its ban on political, socio-cul...

Ban on rallies at airports: APC accuses police of selective enforcement

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has accused the police of engaging in a selective enforcement of its ban on political, socio-cultural and religious rallies at the nation's airports, saying this does not bode well for the 2015 general elections when the police is expected to be neutral and professional in carrying out its duties.
In a statement issued in Lagos on Sunday by its Interim National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the party said the police was wrong to have allowed the PDP to flout the ban with impunity on Feb. 1st, when hundreds of the party's members thronged the Bauchi Airport to welcome new PDP Chairman Adamu Muazu.
It said a video footage of the reception showed PDP supporters, cultural troops and praise singers besieging the airport and even surrounding the plane just like passengers would have surrounded a 'Molue' in a bus stop.
APC said armed policemen at the airport looked on as the ban, which was contained in a statement issued by force spokesman Frank Mba on Nov. 6th, was flouted by the PDP.
''The questions to ask are: Is the ban not applicable to the PDP? If it is applicable to it, what has the police done to sanction the party since it breached the order over two weeks ago? If the police will allow the PDP to get away with such lawlessness, can the same police sanction any other party or individual who breaches its order banning rallies at airports?'' it queried.

The party said the double standard being exhibited by the police is the reason many Nigerians are saying the Nigeria Police Force has turned itself to the enforcement arm of the PDP or that the force has even merged with the party.
''This does not augur well for the image of the police and it sends a wrong signal about whether the police can be neutral and professional before, during and after the 2015 elections. It also raises doubt about the ability of the police to effectively carry out its constitutional duty of ensuring the protection of lives and property.
''The police ridicules itself and wears down its own authority when it panders to the PDP, whereas the force is being maintained by the tax payers, whether or not they belong to the ruling party. The police, more than perhaps any other government agency, should know that no one, no matter how highly placed, is above the law, and that lawful orders from the police are not for selective enforcement.
''We are therefore waiting for the police to either appropriately sanction the PDP for contravening its orders or immediately lift the ban on rallies at the airports. Failure to act will show the police as a partisan and unprofessional force that cannot be relied upon to adequately provide security and help ensure a level playing field for all parties in the forthcoming general elections, not to talk of carrying out is constitutional role!'' APC said
Alhaji Lai Mohammed
Interim National Publicity Secretary
All Progressives Congress (APC)
Lagos, Feb. 16th 2014

Tuesday 11 February 2014

All Progressives Congress (APC): PDP dangles dollars to lure back defected federal ...

All Progressives Congress (APC): PDP dangles dollars to lure back defected federal ...: PDP dangles dollars to lure back defected federal lawmakers, says APC The All Progressives Congress (APC) has accused the PDP of u...

PDP dangles dollars to lure back defected federal lawmakers, says APC

PDP dangles dollars to lure back defected federal lawmakers, says APC
The All Progressives Congress (APC) has accused the PDP of using public funds to lure back some of the federal lawmakers who have defected from the ruling party to the APC, condemning what it called political horse trading 
carried too far.
In a statement issued in Lagos on Tuesday by its Interim National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the party said the PDP, in an unprecedented show of desperation, has rolled out a mouth-watering enticement package that promises 2 million US dollars to each Senator who returns to the PDP; 1 million US dollars to each member of the House of Representatives, and 10 million dollars to each 'leader' who abandons the APC for PDP.
It said the price tag for the federal legislators from Rivers State is even higher, at 5 million dollars each.
But the APC said there is no cause for alarm, as no amount of inducements will stop the change that is in the horizon, because the long-suffering people of Nigeria are ready and eager to vote out the PDP next year.
The party said the five House of Representatives members who have taken the PDP's killer bait and returned to the party are nothing but dirty traitors, adding that when they defected to the APC, they were neither forced to do so nor given any incentive beyond the rare opportunity offered them to be a part of the looming change.
It expressed the hope that the double defectors will declare the blood money they have collected from the PDP to those who voted them into office, and also pretend to be democratic by sharing the money with them.
''Nigerians can now see why their country has gone broke; why the allocation to states from the Federation Account has continued to dwindle, and why infrastructures have either remained decrepit or non-existent. It is not difficult to imagine the number of boreholes that 10 million dollars can sink, or how far such a huge amount will go in building cottage hospitals and health clinics.
''Things are bound to get worse in the days ahead because the desperate PDP will, more and more, use public funds to try to change the course of history. We therefore urge Nigerians to remain resolute in the face of what will be a wave of inducements never before seen in these climes, because there is no going back on the plan to vote out the PDP next year and save Nigeria from a rapacious and inept leadership,'' APC said.

Monday 10 February 2014

All Progressives Congress (APC): APC membership registration: You are allergic to d...

All Progressives Congress (APC): APC membership registration: You are allergic to d...: APC membership registration: You are allergic to democracy, APC tells PDP The All Progressives Congress (APC) has said the P...

All Progressives Congress (APC): APC membership registration: You are allergic to d...

All Progressives Congress (APC): APC membership registration: You are allergic to d...: APC membership registration: You are allergic to democracy, APC tells PDP The All Progressives Congress (APC) has said the P...

APC membership registration: You are allergic to democracy, APC tells PDP

APC membership registration: You are allergic to democracy, APC tells PDP

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has said the PDP's sponsored sabotage of its (APC) ongoing membership registration in several states of the federation and its rush to the media to condemn the process have shown the ruling party as a cog in the wheel of democracy.

In a statement issued in Lagos on Monday by its National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the party said since one of the ways to truncate democracy is by stifling popular participation, the PDP as a party stands accused of working to truncate Nigeria's democracy by its campaign of lies against the APC membership registration, which is aimed at giving as many Nigerians as possible a chance to be part of their country's constitutional democracy.

It said the only reason the PDP called a hurried press conference to spew out lies on another party's membership registration exercise is because the ruling party has seen the handwriting on the wall, since the registration started, and has consequently become overly jittery.

''The PDP is wrong about its claim that the APC is engaging in phantom registration. The party should know that while anyone can manufacture numbers, no one can manufacture human beings. Therefore, in the fullness of time, any party that gives a fake number of its membership will get its comeuppance.

''The truth is that within the first three days of our registration exercise, we had met and exceeded the target we set for ourselves. Nigerians have flocked to our party, which they have come to see more as a mass movement than just a political party. This explains why we have extended the registration period by two days. The PDP is aware of the widespread acceptability of the APC and has started quivering,'' APC said 

The party said instead of splitting hairs over the phenomenal APC registration exercise, the PDP should go out there and launch its own membership drive if it wants to know what Nigerians think of it.

''PDP officials should not just sit in their Abuja offices and make phantom allegations about some party engaging in phantom registration, They should go out there and see for themselves what is going on, and how Nigerians are streaming aboard the train of change that the APC has become,'' it said.

APC also asked the PDP to stop trying to sabotage its membership registration by sponsoring attacks on registration officials and hijacking registration materials in Abia and Rivers, bribing some fifth columnists to sabotage the process in Delta, and burning down our secretariat in Gombe 

The party denied getting any assistance whatsoever from the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) or using any material obtained from the commission, ''except of course if the public spaces we are using for the registration are now being seen by the PDP as INEC's property''.

''The PDP accused the APC of trying to truncate the country's democracy simply because the party (APC) is giving Nigerians the opportunity to exercise their constitutional right to associate freely. It is now clear to all discerning Nigerians that it is indeed the PDP that is working hard to truncate our democracy by blocking popular participation and preventing Nigerians from exercise their rights,'' the party said.

Alhaji Lai Mohammed
Interim National Publicity Secretary
All Progressives Congress (APC)
Lagos, Feb. 10th 2014

Sunday 9 February 2014

All Progressives Congress (APC): APC extends membership registration by two days

All Progressives Congress (APC): APC extends membership registration by two days: APC extends membership registration by two days The All Progressives Congress (APC) has extended its nation-wide membership regis...

APC extends membership registration by two days

APC extends membership registration by two days

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has extended its nation-wide membership registration by two days to accommodate the millions of Nigerians who have turned out to register but could not yet do so.

In a statement issued in Lagos on Sunday by its Interim National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the party said the registration will now end on Wednesday, Feb. 12th, instead of Monday, Feb. 10th.

''While we are aware that the good people of Nigeria have accepted our party, the APC, as the agent of the much-needed change that our country desperately needs at this time, we have apparently under-estimated the number of those who are eager and willing to participate actively in the change process by joining the APC.

''Even with one day to go in the original registration schedule, we have exceeded the number of members we set out to register, and many more have reached out to us to give them the opportunity to join the APC train of change, hence our decision to extend the registration," it said.

APC said it is also not unaware of the efforts by the PDP to sabotage the registration process in Abia, Delta, Gombe and Rivers, among others, hence the need to ensure that the people of the affected states are not disenfranchised.

The party urged all interested citizens who are yet to register to utilize the opportunity offered by the extension to do so.

Alhaji Lai Mohammed
Interim National Publicity Secretary
All Progressives Congress (APC)
Lagos, Feb. 9th 2014

Friday 7 February 2014

All Progressives Congress (APC): APC condemns disruption of membership registration...

All Progressives Congress (APC): APC condemns disruption of membership registration...:    APC condemns disruption of membership registration in Rivers, calls it assault on constitution, democracy The All Pr...

APC condemns disruption of membership registration in Rivers, calls it assault on constitution, democracy

 APC condemns disruption of membership registration in Rivers, calls it assault on constitution, democracy

The All Progressives Congress (APC) has strongly condemned the attacks aimed at disrupting the party's ongoingmembership registration in Rivers, saying the attacks represent a shot to the heart of democracy and a breach of the country's constitution.
''People's participation is at the core of democracy, while the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria guarantees the right of citizens to associate with any party of their choice. These deadly attacks hinder people's participation in democracy and violate the fundamental rights of the affected citizens,'' the party said in a statement issued in Ilorin on Friday by its Interim National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed.
It said the attacks, undoubtedly masterminded by the Nyesome Wike-sponsored Grassroots Development Initiative (GDI) and the PDP in Rivers, is aimed at covering up the glaring rejection of the PDP by the people of the state.
''We have no doubt that these attacks, during which at least one person has been shot dead, would not have been possible without the collusion of the police. Therefore, we appeal to the incoming Commissioner of Police in Rivers to stop the Mbu-era misuse of the police as the enforcement arm of the PDP in the state,'' APC said.
The party wondered why the deadly attacks aimed at disrupting its ongoing membership registration would occur only in Rivers, even as the exercise is going on simultaneously in all the 36 states as well as the Federal Capital Territory.
''Some partisan analysts and uninformed critics have challenged our directive to our lawmakers in the National Assembly not to cooperate with the Executive until peace returns to Rivers. But are they not surprised that it is only in one state - Rivers - that our membership registration has been disrupted? Is Rivers the only state where we have PDP members?
''Again, we ask President Goodluck Jonathan to rein in his supporters in Rivers and stop them from setting the state and the country on fire. We urge him to remind his supporters in Rivers, led by his overzealous Minister, Wike, that his ambition is not worth the blood of any Nigerian,'' it said.
Detailing some of the attacks by armed and sponsored hoodlums in Rivers, APC said the worst was in Degema, where one Andy was shot dead while six APC supporters suffered bullet wounds; and the party's Supervisory Committee Chairman for Degema for the registration - former Chairman, Rivers State Civil Service Commission, Mr. Ben Orugbani - escaped death when his house was shattered with bullets in the old Bakana.
There were also attacks in Phalga Wards 11, 14 and 16, where one Vandam and Noso led 50 other hoodlums to shoot sporadically and hijack the registration materials, handsets and cameras; Ward 9 in Obio/Akpor the ward of Wike, where hoodlums were hired to beat up registration officers and hijack registration materials; and Ward 6 in Woji the area, where Chief Timothy Nsirm, the Terror Executor in charge, led 30 hoodlums who manhandled our supporters and shot one of them, Chibuchi Ogbonda, who is now battling with his life in hospital.
''The question to ask these hoodlums and their sponsors, including the GDI and the PDP, is why are they worried about people who want to register as APC members if they are indeed convinced that the party (APC) is not on ground as they have claimed? Where in the world are people prevented from joining the party of their choice by hoodlums? What is democracy without the people having the right to associate with any party of their choice?
''The arrowheads of the GDI and the PDP should be ashamed of themselves for using force to undermine democracy in Rivers, and we call on their masters to immediately put them on a leash and allow peace to reign in Rivers,'' the party said.

Monday 3 February 2014

No court order bars Senate Pres. from reading Senators' defection letter - APC

            No court order bars Senate Pres. from reading Senators' defection letter - APC
       The All Progressives Congress (APC) has said contrary to the misinformation being peddled in some quarters, there is no existing court order barring the 11 former PPD Senators from defecting to the APC last week
      In a statement issued in Ilorin on Sunday by its Interim National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the party said the existing court order is to the effect that the Senate President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives should maintain the status quo concerning defecting lawmakers.
     ''What this order means is that neither the President of the Senate nor the Speaker of the House can declare vacant the seats of the defecting lawmakers. It does not mean the letter of notification from defecting members cannot be read on the floor of the chambers,'' it said.
       APC said that in view of this, the argument that the defecting letter cannot be read on the floor, so as not to contravene the Senate's Standing Rules that precludes the upper chamber from discussing any matter that is already in court, does not apply in this case.
 ''We are not asking that the issue of the defection should be discussed or debated on the floor of the Senate. All we are saying is that the Senate President should read the letter of notification.

The  coast is very clear for this to be done, and the Senate President is duty bound to do so,'' the party said.

It reminded those who may somehow be engaging in wishful thinking -that the 11 Senators can be tactically prevented from defecting from the PDP to the APC - to know that it is too late in the day for anyone to stall the move on the basis of a non-existent court order or a Standing Rule that will only be operational if indeed there is a court order expressly concerning the Senators' letter.

''The act of defection by the 11 Senators took place the moment they handed their letter to the Senate President at 10 am on the morning of Wednesday 29th of January 2014 whether or not the Senate President goes ahead to read the letter. Therefore, trying to stall the defection by stonewalling on the letter  or attempting to secure a dubious injunction especially when our lawyers were not served the motion papers until about 4pm of the same Wednesday is like seeking to abort a pregnancy when the baby has already been born.

''The existing court order that the Senate President and the House Speaker should maintain the status quo actually strengthens the letter written by the Senators who defected, because it says that their seats cannot be declared vacant until the issue has been determined, hence their defection letter should be read without delay,'' APC said.